


2017 Works in Progress

In this world things are constantly covered up and reused, at what point does the past dictate future usage or understanding, and how can new elements add to what has come before them?

Is it color, texture or location that changes these elements, and is it permanent or can revealing layers give new life to such discarded worlds?

Untitled - Removed Black Square on altered print

Untitled - Removed Black Square on altered print

Untitled - Removed Black Square on PlexiGlass, adhered to altered print

Untitled - Removed Black Square on PlexiGlass, adhered to altered print

Untitled - Removed Warning iconography on altered print

Untitled - Removed Warning iconography on altered print

Untitled - Black + Colored shapes on altered print

Untitled - Black + Colored shapes on altered print

Untitled - Black Warning iconography on altered print with color zip

Untitled - Black Warning iconography on altered print with color zip

Untitled - Shadowed shape on altered print

Untitled - Shadowed shape on altered print

Untitled - Shadowed shape on altered print

Untitled - Shadowed shape on altered print